Know Your Toxins: Animal Safety
Like it or not, our world is filled with chemicals and toxins that can harm your dog or cat. It’s impossible to eliminate them all, but there are plenty of ways you can reduce his exposure and preserve his wellness. Click here for more
Animals Armed With Antioxidants
These valuable nutrients are crucial to good health, but some vets feel they interfere with conventional cancer treatments. Find out why, and how an integrative approach that incorporates antioxidants can actually extend life expectancy. Click here for more
Barking Mad: Handling Your Dog
Does your dog make too much noise? Instead of running the risk of alienating your neighbors, find out how you can help him quiet down. Dogs bark because Mother Nature tells them that’s how they’re supposed to communicate. Click here for more
Bandana Giveaway
Do you want your dog to look extra stylish? Earth Rated is giving away 5,000 bandanas! Click here to get one!